
Year13 and YouthSense are parallel digital enterprises that are whole-heartedly dedicated to inspiring and supporting young Australians in their post-school endeavours. Year13 and YouthSense believe that current solutions employed by Government, Education and Employment sectors to combat economic and societal problems such as youth unemployment and youth disengagement are not resonating with younger audiences. By addressing the communication concerns between these markets, we can combat issues like unemployment and create a more uniform transition from school to work. The ways in which Year13 and YouthSense distil these ideologies into their business model is by;
  1. Inspiring – incomparable insights from Year13’s own first hand data.
    • This is done through the use of surveys, polls and actual user feedback.
  2. Educate – figuring what are the best practices within ever-evolving resources and platforms
    • Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat aren’t just mind controlling social media tools, but amazing tools to gather information that you would otherwise not find in a textbook about youth and how they are developing and growing in the 21st
  3. Empowering – delivering a research paper each year with expert recommendations based on feedback and genuine insights of the market that we target.
    • For more information on Year13 and YouthSense’s 2017 paper, please see LINK.
The Youth Engagement Summit assists in bringing together stakeholders from the Education, Employment and Government sectors with the intention to inspire, educate and empower attendees with the research, experience and resources Year13 and YouthSense have gathered since working on the ground with Australia’s youth. Acknowledging the societal issues such as youth unemployment, we have identified that there is a continual increase in the disparity between the country’s youth and Educators, Employers and Government. YES17-6897 YES17-6925 YES17-6989 YES17-6994 YES17-7005 YES17-7008 YES17-7036 YES17-7154 YES17-7224 YES17-7267 YES17-7441 YES17-7450 YES17-7501 YES17-7515 YES17-7569